Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Vaccines & Prions: Keys to the Autoimmune Disease Puzzle

Gaia Health
by Heidi Stevenson

 Apparently, the issue of pig rendering workers developing a neurological disease isn’t supposed to worry the rest of us. The Lancet has reported that there’s no infectious agent. The cause is tiny bits of pig brains being breathed in so that they enter the body through the nasal passages, resulting in an autoimmune disorder. So, we’re supposed to sit back, heave a big sigh of relief, and stop worrying.

I don’t think so. To the contrary, this may be the key that ties a host of neurological disorders, prions, and vaccines together into one neat package—with a tie-in to genetically modified organisms.

Workers who have breathed in aerosolized pig brain mist in abattoirs have been developing a nasty neurological disorder with striking similarities to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as mad cow disease), kuru (a disease that struck southern Pacific cannibal islanders), multiple sclerosis, Gulf War syndrome, and macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF), a new neurological disorder known to be associated with the vaccine adjuvant aluminum.


Prions are a medical mystery. They’re believed to cause mad cow disease. They aren’t, though, infectious agents in the usual sense because they aren’t living in any sense. They don’t even contain fragments of DNA or RNA!

Bacteria are single-celled organisms. Some cause diseases, while others are necessary for life. Each bacterium contains a DNA molecule and RNA, which performs tasks directed by the DNA and carries messages to and from DNA.

Viruses are almost-cells. They have most of the factors of a cell, but are often not considered living organisms. They infect by invading cells and fooling them into creating more of the virus.

Prions, though, are not alive in any sense. Therefore, they cannot be killed, even at extreme temperatures. They are simply bits of proteins—literally parts of molecules. Originally, it was believed that they infected because they were misshapen, abnormally folded. The guess was that they infected cells by causing normal prions to become misshapen, too. That theory, though, has been proven false, though it is still commonly believed. (See Sanctuary: Bad Bad Prions from Discover, dated 9 January 2009 for an example of the ongoing belief.)

The first serious attack on the prion-as-infectious-agent theory was reported in Medical Hypotheses in 1997. The article makes the case that prions trigger an autoimmune response.(1) As becomes clear the more one looks into the issue, this makes sense and fits the facts as known.

The prions-as-infectious-agents theory has never fit the facts, nor does it make any logical sense. Infectious agents are things with a life imperative to keep them functioning and reproducing. Nothing about prions can be demonstrated to have any life. They do not contain any sort of self-maintained existence. An organism becomes infected when another organism, or semi-organism like a virus that contains a genetic code, invades. The invader uses the infected organism to survive and reproduce. There is no life force in a prion to seek out and infect another organism.

Prions are merely bits of protein—not even whole proteins—that are similar to bits of protein in our own bodies. Rather than trying to imply the implausible, that prions have a drive to replicate, it makes far more sense to suggest that their similarity to a molecule in an organism triggers an autoimmune response.

When a prion enters an organism abnormally, such as by inhalation or injection, the immune system sees them as foreign and manufactures antibodies to them. These antibodies seek out anything that’s similar to the protein bits—prions—to destroy them.

In the case of prions, the danger is their similarity to parts of our own bodies. Antibodies that develop to fight prions will attack cells in their own bodies with disastrous results. This is, in fact, the definition of an autoimmune disorder—the immune system going haywire and attacking the body’s own substance.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system disease in which the immune system has gone awry, attacking the myelin sheath, which is the covering layer of nerves. The symptoms consist of anything that can be affected by the nervous system. All areas of the body can be affected, but each individual is affected differently. One person may suffer great pain and deranged limb movement. Another may suffer mental impairment and visual loss. Each patient is different.

MS was first diagnosed in 1868 by Jean-Martin Charcot, professor of neurology at the University of Paris. Often referred to as the father of neurology, he examined the brain of a patient who had died from tremors and movement disorders. He found scars, usually referred to as plaques, in the brain.

Before World War II, it was known that some people vaccinated for viral illnesses, especially rabies, developed a neurological disease similar to MS. It had been assumed that the cause was rabies virus that hadn’t been completely inactivated. This, though, proved to be false.

In 1935, Dr. Thomas Rivers of the Rockefeller Institute demonstrated that injecting myelin tissue into laboratory animals would produce a disease similar to MS, thus showing that MS had nothing whatsoever to do with the rabies virus, or any other. Rather, vaccine-induced MS results from an autoimmune response to injected tissues similar to one’s own. The laboratory form came to be known as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE).


The first known spongiform encephalitis is scrapie, a disease of sheep. It’s believed to be caused by prions. It has been transmitted by innoculation to several other animals, including hamsters, mice, rats, voles, gerbils, mink, cattle, and some species of monkeys. Scrapie has been known for only 250 years, first found in Europe and reaching the US in 1947.

Scrapie is believed to be transmitted between sheep in one of two ways. The more common belief is that it’s transmitted from the ewe to offspring, though how is unknown. The other guess is that it’s harbored in pastures and eaten. Since scrapie is a kind of spongiform encephalitis, which we now know can be transmitted by inhalation, it may be that sheep inhale scrapie prions—protein bits—as they snuffle in their foraging. Many sheep are also fed artificial foods that include animal and fish products. They may inhale protein bits that result in a prion autoimmune disease.


Kuru is a prion disease similar to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. It is known to have existed only among the cannibalistic Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea, and was first found and studied during the mid-twentieth century.

The particular form of cannibalism was to eat the bodies of relatives to return the “life force” of the deceased to the village. Men were significantly less likely to suffer from kuru than women and children. It was probably because the men did not eat brains and the women cleaned the bodies of the deceased, exposing them to transmission of protein bits via cuts, abrasions, and inhalation. Therefore, women were far more likely to come into contact with the body part that contains most of the associated prions, and they were also more likely to come into contact with them through non-ingestion means, such as through wounds or inhalation.

One bright point to note is that a genetic distinction is inherent in the people who survived the kuru epidemic. They appear to have carried a specific gene, presumed to be prion-resistant. Chief researcher Simon Mead of University College London found a “prion resistant” genetic factor. In light of the information in this article, though, I would suggest that the genetic difference is one that makes the individual more sensitive to minor differences in protein structures, so that the immune system doesn’t mistake a foreign protein for a similar innate one. If a person were resistant to developing antibodies to any prion, then no protein-related antibodies could ever be developed.

Macrophagic Myofasciitis (MMF)

MMF, as referenced above, is known to be associated with a vaccine adjuvant, aluminum. It’s diagnosed by aluminum deposits at the site of injection. The actual causative agent has not been identified. However, note that the vaccines associated with MMF are hepatitis A & B, and tetanus. Of these, both hep B and tetanus vaccines are made from viral fragments, not the whole virus. This is, in fact, the case with many modern vaccines.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

GMOs are used in many vaccines. They’re referred to as recombinant or acellular. The technique used now involves isolating a single viral or bacterial protein and then growing large quantities of the protein using bacteria or yeast.

As can be seen in the dangers inherent in other protein bits that enter the body in an abnormal manner, the risk of vaccines made from recombinant products may be similar to that from prions. The difference between a prion and protein is one of degree. A prion is a piece of a protein.

Vaccines produced this way are not adequately effective in triggering an immune response to develop antibodies. Therefore, adjuvants are used to boost the immune system. Exactly what happens to cause autoimmune disorders in such vaccines is unclear. Whether the invading prion is similar enough to a protein bit that occurs naturally in the body or the boosted immune system simply starts to create antibodies to itself isn’t known. However, as is clear from MMF, something of this nature is happening.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

CJD is a human type of spongiform encephalitis. The American Journal of Epidemiology has published two studies that indicate a strong link between eating pork, especially pork brains, and CJD. The disorder is known to be misdiagnosed frequently. One study documented that 5.5% of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease had actually died of CJD. In another study, postmortem examination of 46 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s showed that 13% had CJD. Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports, has argued to the USDA that, with 4 million cases of Alzheimer’s in the US, there could be a hidden epidemic of CJD.

In the face of this information, the USDA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are both stonewalling—refusing to address the potential of more prevalent CJD.

In 1979 and 1992, scrapie-infected American sheep brain material was injected into cattle. These cattle didn’t behave strangely, as had been expected. They simply collapsed and died, much like downer cows. Notice, though, one of the two salient words in this article: injection. (The other is inhalation.)

To protect the public from CJD, in 1997 the FDA prohibited feeding mammal protein to most farm animals. However, they exempted swine, horses, blood, milk, and gelatin. Apparently, the FDA doesn’t understand what a mammal is—but for our purposes, we’ll leave that aside. The issue here is that an animal known to have a connection to people suffering from CJD was excluded, and other mammalian products, including entire horses, were also allowed into farm animal feed.

Gulf War Syndrome

Sufferers of Gulf War Syndrome live with a host of neurological and related problems. The connection to squalene antibodies has been well identified. Squalene is an adjuvant used in anthrax vaccinations of Gulf War personnel. It is a substance that naturally occurs in the human body, and is required for life.

The argument against squalene as a risk in vaccinations is that it occurs naturally in the human body, so couldn’t possibly be toxic. That, though, is the problem. By injecting it, the body sees it as an invader and mounts a defense, developing antibodies to it. The result is that the immune system sees parts of its own body as enemies to be destroyed.

The bottom line here is that there is no distinction between proteins and squalene when they enter the body in an abnormal manner. Both are frequently ingested as food. Squalene is often taken in, without harm, as a supplement. Obviously, proteins of all sorts are routinely ingested without harm. In fact, we can’t survive without doing so.

At this point, since it’s now acknowledged that protein bits, when injected, can cause autoimmune and neurological disorders, it’s absurd to suggest that squalene is safe because it naturally occurs in the human body. Clearly, that is the reason that squalene is so dangerous in a vaccine—just as it’s dangerous to inject prions.

Laboratory Diseases

Lab animals are often used to try out medical treatments. It is, of course, necessary for the animals to be suffering from the condition being treated. As discussed in Autoimmune Vaccine Damage in Cats and Dogs Indicates Grave Danger to Humans, some of these diseases are induced by injection or inhalation:

Mice are injected with collagen, a naturally occurring substance in both mouse and human bodies, to produce the equivalent of rheumatoid arthritis.

Mice are injected with peptides, short chains of amino acids, to produce encephalitis.

Mice are forced to inhale egg white to induce allergies.

It’s well-known that when a person’s own blood enters the intrathecal space, the location of cerebrospinal fluid, it causes a severe autoimmune neurological disorder called arachnoiditis.

The Faithlessness of Vaccination Safety Claims

Obviously, any claims by doctors or medical researchers that injecting or inhaling a substance is safe because it normally exists in the body are intentionally misleading. When basic methods of research require doing precisely that to induce severe diseases in animals, then it’s well known that such a procedure is far from safe. When it’s also well known that entering the wrong location in the body can result in one’s own blood creating a severe autoimmune neurological disorder, any claims of safety for injection of substances that normally exist in the body are obviously false and intentionally misleading.

The Obvious Connections

Multiple sclerosis appears to be a disease that has existed for a long time, though only recently has it become common. It’s reasonable to assume that susceptible people could always have come into contact with prions or other substances similar to ones naturally occuring in their bodies. The odd wound or inhalation of a substance that normally isn’t encountered in that manner could produce a disease. It would, though, have been a rare occurrence.

That is, until recently, with the advent of modern medicine’s and agribusiness’s proclivity to enforce vaccines on everyone and all food animals. We’ve seen a massive increase in chronic and neurological diseases—an increase that appears to coincide with the increase in vaccinations.

New diseases, such as Gulf War Syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis, are coming into being. Old ones, like multiple sclerosis, cancer, arthritis, and asthma, are becoming more common. Something is causing this. As all this happens, the potential connections are ignored and denied.

All of these diseases are associated with an immune system that has gone out of whack. Whether the disease is old or new, similar to another or completely different, the diseases that are coming to plague us are related to an autoimmune system gone awry. While the world is full of toxins, and they are having obviously detrimental effects, the worst enemy to our health is having our personal defenses—the immune system—turn against us. That’s precisely what’s happened, and it’s precisely what our modern medical system tries to evade at every turn.

Whether it’s the FDA or the USDA or the NIH or the CDC in America, or the NHS or Nice in Britain, or Health Canada, or the equivalent in any other modern industrial nation—the reality is that the obvious connections made here in this article are ignored and stonewalled. Yet, when put together, it’s hard to ignore.

Modern medicine, our so-called healthcare system, is our greatest enemy. It presumes to press us into injections against minimally harmful diseases, while it denies any harm those injections might be causing, and condescendingly refuses to research any connections they might have with chronic diseases.

There can be only one reason for this, and it’s the mind-numbingly, utterly trite, and usual one: Follow the money trail. It’s all about cash, lucre, income, currency, moolah, bread, cabbage, jack, lettuce, scratch, green, gelt, gold—profits. Modern medicine, in all its phases, stands for profits. Whether for Agribusiness, Big Pharma, or the doctors themselves, nothing stands higher. It’s all about piles of money.

Vaccinations are easy money. When they cause a new disease, then the pro-forma approach is to find a new vaccine for the new disease or to deny its existence. Belittle and demean those who would look anywhere but the direction pointed. Express dismay for the people harmed—but let nothing and no one get in the way of the real goal. Profits!

Related: Don’t Breathe the Meat

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