Measles is not a serious illness. Don't let Big Pharma fool you.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Trace Amounts - Official Trailer
During the past two decades, the diagnosis of autism occurring in children has risen dramatically from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68 and our scientific community is no closer to determining a cause. But one thing they automatically do is emphatically deny a possible link between autism cases and something found in our vaccines.
During the past two decades, the diagnosis of autism occurring in children has risen dramatically from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68 and our scientific community is no closer to determining a cause. But one thing they automatically do is emphatically deny a possible link between autism cases and something found in our vaccines.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
US Government Moves on Nationwide Adult Vaccination
Memory Hole Blog
by James F. Tracy
The transnational pharmaceutical cartel will be positioning itself to profit handsomely if a federally-mandated adult immunization program becomes law. The proposed US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) policy will be implemented alongside the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), thereby becoming a standard component of US national healthcare policy.
Published on February 6, 2015 amid the “measles outbreak” media frenzy, the HHS is accepting “public comment” on its Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) until March 9, 2015. Under the NAIP, all adult American citizens will be compelled to receive current and retroactive vaccination regimens that may amount to several dozen “shots” per individual during their “catch-up” phase. Under the federally-mandated immunization schedule children presently receive 49 vaccines before the age of six.
The NAIP underscores how
[t]he adult schedule … includes catch-up vaccinations for those adults who never initiated or did not complete a multi-dose series when vaccination was first recommended during childhood. Catch-up vaccinations include vaccines such as measles, mumps, rubella and varicella, which are routinely recommended for administration during childhood (p. 1).
The NAIP is intended to supplement the National Vaccine Plan (NVP), published in conjunction with the ACA. The HHS describes the NVP as “a guiding vision for vaccination for the decade 2010-2020 and strategic direction for coordination of the immunization enterprise in the United States” (NAIP, p. 9), by highlighting the alleged public health problem posed by the low vaccination rates of US adults.
“[T]he NAIP is intended to promote coordinated planning and action across all stakeholder groups,” the 52-page document reads, “[i]ncluding those within and outside of the federal government” (p. 6). In addition to the health and personnel-related agencies within HHS’ purview, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration, other government and “stakeholder groups” include the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the “vaccine industry” and “academic/research organizations” (p. 7).
Given the frequent and serious side effects of vaccines routinely documented in the inserts accompanying them, the government appears to be waging a high stakes game with public health under the guise of prevention that will soon extend to the entire US adult population.
The NAIP is unambiguous in its ambition and intent. “The vision for adult immunization is to protect the public health and achieve optimal prevention of infectious diseases and their consequences through vaccination of all adults” (emphasis retained, p. 6).
The NAIP was developed in coordination with the RAND Corporation, whose services were “enlisted to review historic literature, interview stakeholders, and collect plan date to identify plan priorities and key indicators” (p. 8).
Specific “subgroups of adults” will be particularly targeted for vaccination, “such as healthcare workers and pregnant women.”
HHS lists four specific objectives in its NAIP policy. The subpoint strategies of each goal are summarized below, although it should be noted that the original document contains highly detailed strategies for achieving each (pp. 11-25) .
1: Strengthen the adult immunization infrastructure.
Objective 1.1: Monitor and report trends in adult vaccine-preventable disease levels and vaccination coverage data for all ACIP-recommended vaccines. In cases where there are associated Healthy People 2020 goals, measure progress toward established targets.
Objective 1.2: Enhance current vaccine safety monitoring systems and develop new methods to accurately and more rapidly assess vaccine safety and effectiveness in adult populations (e.g., pregnant women).
Objective 1.3: Continue to analyze claims filed as part of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) to identify potential causal links between vaccines and adverse events.
Objective 1.4: Increase the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and immunization information systems (IIS) to collect and track adult immunization data.
Objective 1.5: Evaluate and advance targeted quality improvement initiatives.
Objective 1.6: Generate and disseminate evidence about the health and economic impact of adult immunization, including potential disease burden averted and cost-effectiveness with the use of current vaccines.
2: Improve access to adult vaccines.
Objective 2.1: Reduce financial barriers for individuals who receive vaccines routinely recommended for adults.
Objective 2.2: Assess and improve understanding of providers’ financial barriers to delivering vaccinations, including to stocking and administering vaccines.
Objective 2.3: Expand the adult immunization provider network.
Objective 2.4: Ensure a reliable supply of vaccines and the ability to track vaccine inventories, including during public health emergencies.
3. Increase community demand for adult immunizations.
Objective 3.1: Educate and encourage individuals to be aware of and receive recommended adult immunizations.
Objective 3.2: Educate, encourage, and motivate health care professionals to recommend and/or deliver adult vaccinations.
Objective 3.3: Educate and encourage other groups (e.g., community and faith-based groups, tribal organizations)to promote the importance of adult immunization.
4: Foster innovation in adult vaccine development and vaccination-related technologies.
Objective 4.1: Develop new vaccines and improve the effectiveness of existing vaccines for adults.
Objective 4.2: Encourage new technologies to improve the distribution, storage, and delivery of adult vaccines.
Despite religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccines offered in almost every state, not to mention the abundant side effects–including possible carcinogenesis–associated with such substances, roughly 95% of American families subject their children to the federally-mandated immunization schedule. Under the NAIP, government bureaucrats and the vaccine industry are now poised to foist a similarly intensive yet scientifically dubious program on the entire US population.
As insurance costs skyrocket Obamacare, a growing medical trend – “Cashcare”
Investment Watch Blog
There’s now a huge difference between having insurance and getting care. Wednesday, on For the Record, hear from patients who have cancelled their insurance policies and are moving to cash for care doctors who provide better service at a fraction of the cost.
There’s now a huge difference between having insurance and getting care. Wednesday, on For the Record, hear from patients who have cancelled their insurance policies and are moving to cash for care doctors who provide better service at a fraction of the cost.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The Amish Don’t Get Autism? And They Don’t Get Vaccinations – Possible Link?
Breaking Down the News
People outside the alternative health community are often confused by the lack of autism in the Amish people. The Amish do not experience autism, or any of the other learning disabilities that plague our technological society. The Amish live in a society that consists of outdated technologies and ideals, by contemporary standards. Their diet consists of eating organic, fresh, locally-grown produce, and of course, they do not follow the established vaccination routines.
To the dismay of the mainstream media and the medical establishment, this has resulted in a healthier people, that are void of all of our chronic diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are virtually non-existent in Amish villages. Equally non-existent are modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically-engineered) foods, G.M.O. foods, and of course, vaccines.
How is it that those who are without the “miracles” of modern orthodox medicine are healthier? The truth about health, medicine, and how they both relate to the Amish is becoming an embarrassment to some rather powerful people.
There have been 3 (yes three) verified cases of autism in the Amish, and at least two of those children were vaccinated. No information is available for the third. The strong correlation between vaccinations and autism is absolutely undeniable, unless you work for the medical establishment, the government, or Big Media. Proponents of the status-quo claim that the Amish obviously have a special super gene that makes them immune to autism.
They pathetically try to rationalize that autism is some type of genetic failure (i.e. God’s fault), which attacks a brain based on religious affiliation. We’re tentatively expecting a space alien theory next, in a similar vein to the aliens theory used to attack those who believe in a Creator. This is truly is F.D.A. and A.M.A. science in all its shining glory.
Vaccine proponents are willing to espouse any ridiculous explanation, so long as they do not have to accept that their entire industry of vaccinations is causing chronic disease, leaving autism for 1 in every 100 children now.
When the Amish are simply left alone, to live free of chemical toxins found in our medicines and foods, they are not plagued with diseases, learning disabilities, or autism. They are categorically more intelligent, with the exception of advanced (college-level) writing skills, which is explainable by the fact that English is not their primary language. Could it be those same Amish ‘super genes’ at work again? Society could learn greatly from their example, if we would only stop poisoning ourselves, and our children on a routine basis.
People outside the alternative health community are often confused by the lack of autism in the Amish people. The Amish do not experience autism, or any of the other learning disabilities that plague our technological society. The Amish live in a society that consists of outdated technologies and ideals, by contemporary standards. Their diet consists of eating organic, fresh, locally-grown produce, and of course, they do not follow the established vaccination routines.
To the dismay of the mainstream media and the medical establishment, this has resulted in a healthier people, that are void of all of our chronic diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are virtually non-existent in Amish villages. Equally non-existent are modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically-engineered) foods, G.M.O. foods, and of course, vaccines.
How is it that those who are without the “miracles” of modern orthodox medicine are healthier? The truth about health, medicine, and how they both relate to the Amish is becoming an embarrassment to some rather powerful people.
There have been 3 (yes three) verified cases of autism in the Amish, and at least two of those children were vaccinated. No information is available for the third. The strong correlation between vaccinations and autism is absolutely undeniable, unless you work for the medical establishment, the government, or Big Media. Proponents of the status-quo claim that the Amish obviously have a special super gene that makes them immune to autism.
They pathetically try to rationalize that autism is some type of genetic failure (i.e. God’s fault), which attacks a brain based on religious affiliation. We’re tentatively expecting a space alien theory next, in a similar vein to the aliens theory used to attack those who believe in a Creator. This is truly is F.D.A. and A.M.A. science in all its shining glory.
Vaccine proponents are willing to espouse any ridiculous explanation, so long as they do not have to accept that their entire industry of vaccinations is causing chronic disease, leaving autism for 1 in every 100 children now.
When the Amish are simply left alone, to live free of chemical toxins found in our medicines and foods, they are not plagued with diseases, learning disabilities, or autism. They are categorically more intelligent, with the exception of advanced (college-level) writing skills, which is explainable by the fact that English is not their primary language. Could it be those same Amish ‘super genes’ at work again? Society could learn greatly from their example, if we would only stop poisoning ourselves, and our children on a routine basis.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Study: Chemotherapy-Treated Cancer Patients Die Sooner than No Treatment at All

As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”
– Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President of The American Chemical Society
For those living in the early 1900’s, the chances of getting cancer was 1 out of every 100 people, about fifty years ago the chances increased to 1 in 50. Today, it is said that a little less than 1 out of every 3 people will get cancer, soon to be 1 in 2.
If you get cancer, where will you turn for treatment?
Your options are Chemotherapy, which is refused by 75% of doctors, works only 2-3% of the time, and has been shown in a study to cause more cancer, or, you can utilize natural substances found in nature that science has shown are powerful Cancer Cures, with virtually no side effects.
Despite the horrid report card for chemotherapy treatment, people to this day continue to receive treatment, as doctors profit from each patient to whom they deal these toxic drugs.
Consider this article the final, crushing blow to chemotherapy and the cancer industry.
Science Shows the Untreated Live Longer
After studying the life span of cancer patients for 25 years, Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, Dr. Hardin B. Jones delivered a report, sending shockwaves through an American Cancer Society Seminar in 1969.
Dr. Jones’ 25-year study concluded that patients who are not treated with chemotherapy and other conventional treatments (surgery, and radiation) do not die sooner than patients who do. In many cases, he reported, they live longer.
His timeless paper he titled “Demographic Consideration of the Cancer Problem,” and published in Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (Series II, Vol. 18, pp. 298-333).
Particularly disturbing was the doctor’s discovery about the breast cancer survival rates of women who had refused all conventional treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery). His findings indicated that women with breast cancer who remained untreated lived four times longer than women who were treated with them.
“People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years,” stated Dr. Hardin B. Jones.
Other researchers have conducted similar studies which came to similar conclusions. “Those who refused medical procedures had a lower mortality rate than those who submitted” concluded Dr. Maurice Fox, Biologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, based on a study completed at the Harvard School of Public Health.
In the February 2, 1979 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, it published an article by Dr. Maurice Fox, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Based on studies conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Fox found many things, including:
- Complete mastectomy was no better than simple lump removal.
- The diagnosis of breast cancer was twice as frequent in 1975 than in 1935, and the death rate was also double, meaning no progress had been made in the attempt to cure cancer.
- A lower mortality rate was found in patients who refused medical procedures than those who submitted to conventional treatments.
- Early detection amounted to quicker treatment and earlier death.
A team of researchers from Israel, led by Dr. Michael Feldman conducted a study at the Weizmann Institute in 1978.
An article titled “Failure of Chemotherapy to Prolong Survival in a Group of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer,” was published in British medical journal The Lancet on March 15, 1980. Read what it says:
“Overall survival of patients with primary breast cancer has not improved in the past 10 years, despite increasing use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for treatment of metastasis. Furthermore, there has been no improvement in survival from first metastasis, and survival may even have been shortened in some patients given chemotherapy…. Actuarial survival analysis … reveals no prolongation in overall survival, despite the increased use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for metastatic disease. The survival of the 78 patients who received chemotherapy from first detection of metastases (including single-agent chemotherapy) was no better than that of the 80 who did not receive chemotherapy. There was also no improvement in survival for those who received multiple-drug chemotherapy (66 patients)…. The fact that regressions of breast cancer had no influence on overall survival must reflect the inadequacy of present-day chemotherapy.”
How Lethal is Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is so lethal, that if the liquid is spilled, it can burn right through human flesh. As if being diagnosed with cancer wasn’t bad enough, just take a look at what it did to this patients hand:

This picture, worth far more than a thousand words, illustrates clearly just how toxic chemotherapy chemicals are. Considering the outer skin of a person is actually better protected than our insides, just think what happens when this fluid is injected into the vein of a cancer patient.
So toxic are the chemicals used in Chemotherapy, that nurses administering it have to wear personal protective equipment, and follow strict security measures in case of any accidental spills of chemotherapy.
Spills larger than 5 cc. require:
- Phone calls to 911, and to the Occupational & Environmental Safety Office – OESO.
- Access to the affected area must be blocked off, and the area must be marked with warning signs
- Donning the protective coveralls and two pairs of gloves (a latex pair for underneath the coveralls, and a rubber pair for on top) from the “Chemotherapy spill kit”.
- Picking up broken glass using the scoop in the “Chemotherapy spill kit”.
- Cleaning up liquids using spill pads.
- Washing the spill area 3 times: Once with hydrogen peroxide, and two more times with a strong detergent.
- If the chemotherapy drug comes in contact with the skin, eye, or airborne particles inhaled at any time during the procedure, they are instructed to go immediately to the emergency room.
The moment you’re diagnosed with cancer, you become worth about $300,000 to the cancer industry. That is, unless you refuse the barbaric conventional treatments that your doctor might offer you, and treat yourself safely, effectively, and inexpensively with one or more natural Cancer Cures. You’ve seen the evidence, now you can decide for yourself whether you want to expose yourself to brutal poisons, or use substances provided by nature that will heal you without side effects.Monday, February 16, 2015
Sorry Monsanto: Organic Food Demand Is Absolutely Exploding
Natural Society
by Christina Sarich
Perhaps you remember a time not too far in our collective grocery-shopping past when regular grocery stores chains and places like Walmart had no idea what organic food was. Organic milk? Bread? Produce? They didn’t carry it. You had to find an obscure health food store or a farmer’s market if you didn’t live near a Whole Foods to find non-GMO, healthful food that wasn’t full of pesticides. But thankfully, consumers are demanding different products now. Demand for organic food has busted through its glass ceiling.
You can attribute this change in market demand to education. You can attribute it to the mass awakening happening around the planet. But either way, you can’t argue with the numbers. Eating organic is no longer ‘fringe’ or something done solely by health-nuts and athletes, hippies, and paranoids. In fact, consumer demand for organic food is seeing double digit growth year over year, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping.
Over 20,000 stores now offer organic food products. A report has shown that in 2012, more than $28.4 million was spent on healthful organic food, and that number has grown since the report published such findings. According to Nutrition Business Journal, organic food sales will reach a startling $35 billion this year. For those of us who don’t take our health for granted, this is just the beginning of a food revolution.
We’re eating better in every category of food, too, not just organic apple and oranges. People are boycotting toxic food-producing companies faster than you can say ‘lawsuit’ as they realize we’ve been lied to. People now know that something made in vats with chemical additives or spliced and diced with GMOs is anything but ‘natural.’
We are turning away from companies like Kellogg’s and Pepsi-Co, Coca-Cola, and Kraft to companies that we can actually trust – companies that don’t sell us non-food and call it food.
Or how about putting harmful additives used to make yoga mats in bread, as Subway once did before individuals pressured them to remove azodicarbonamide from their food? We just won’t sit silent anymore. Even beer companies are feeling the pressure to not only disclose toxic ingredients, but to change their ways, and stop using them.
While fresh fruits and vegetables leading the way in organics for the past three decades, and accounting for 43% of U.S. organic food sales in 2012, dairy, bread, packaged foods, snack foods, meat, poultry, seafood, and even condiments are seeing an up-turn in organic sales.
For now, individuals are purchasing their organic foods primarily through conventional and natural food supermarkets and chains, according to the Organic Trade Association (OTA), but this is also changing as more people turn to food co-ops and even neighbors for fresh, organic food.
We’ve come a long way since the organic food movement’s beginnings. Yes, our grandparents and great-grandparents just grew… food. They didn’t even call it organic, though they often didn’t use pesticides or herbicides, and certainly not petroleum-based or chemical fertilizers.
The modern organic movement began at the same time as industrialized agriculture. It began in Europe around the 1920s, when a group of farmers and consumers sought alternatives to the industrialization of agriculture. In Britain, the organic movement had gathered pace in the 1940’s. Today, people around the world, from the US to Bhutan, are asking for, and even growing organic food.
Indeed, growing our own food is becoming an absolutely essential part of our collective future.
In the same way that petrochemical companies don’t want to see the impending evolution of solar and wind power, Big Ag doesn’t want to accept what is happening with our food consciousness. We know better now, and so we ask for better. Our wallets are truly determining the future food landscape.
by Christina Sarich
Perhaps you remember a time not too far in our collective grocery-shopping past when regular grocery stores chains and places like Walmart had no idea what organic food was. Organic milk? Bread? Produce? They didn’t carry it. You had to find an obscure health food store or a farmer’s market if you didn’t live near a Whole Foods to find non-GMO, healthful food that wasn’t full of pesticides. But thankfully, consumers are demanding different products now. Demand for organic food has busted through its glass ceiling.
You can attribute this change in market demand to education. You can attribute it to the mass awakening happening around the planet. But either way, you can’t argue with the numbers. Eating organic is no longer ‘fringe’ or something done solely by health-nuts and athletes, hippies, and paranoids. In fact, consumer demand for organic food is seeing double digit growth year over year, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping.
Over 20,000 stores now offer organic food products. A report has shown that in 2012, more than $28.4 million was spent on healthful organic food, and that number has grown since the report published such findings. According to Nutrition Business Journal, organic food sales will reach a startling $35 billion this year. For those of us who don’t take our health for granted, this is just the beginning of a food revolution.
We’re eating better in every category of food, too, not just organic apple and oranges. People are boycotting toxic food-producing companies faster than you can say ‘lawsuit’ as they realize we’ve been lied to. People now know that something made in vats with chemical additives or spliced and diced with GMOs is anything but ‘natural.’
We are turning away from companies like Kellogg’s and Pepsi-Co, Coca-Cola, and Kraft to companies that we can actually trust – companies that don’t sell us non-food and call it food.
Or how about putting harmful additives used to make yoga mats in bread, as Subway once did before individuals pressured them to remove azodicarbonamide from their food? We just won’t sit silent anymore. Even beer companies are feeling the pressure to not only disclose toxic ingredients, but to change their ways, and stop using them.
While fresh fruits and vegetables leading the way in organics for the past three decades, and accounting for 43% of U.S. organic food sales in 2012, dairy, bread, packaged foods, snack foods, meat, poultry, seafood, and even condiments are seeing an up-turn in organic sales.
For now, individuals are purchasing their organic foods primarily through conventional and natural food supermarkets and chains, according to the Organic Trade Association (OTA), but this is also changing as more people turn to food co-ops and even neighbors for fresh, organic food.
We’ve come a long way since the organic food movement’s beginnings. Yes, our grandparents and great-grandparents just grew… food. They didn’t even call it organic, though they often didn’t use pesticides or herbicides, and certainly not petroleum-based or chemical fertilizers.
The modern organic movement began at the same time as industrialized agriculture. It began in Europe around the 1920s, when a group of farmers and consumers sought alternatives to the industrialization of agriculture. In Britain, the organic movement had gathered pace in the 1940’s. Today, people around the world, from the US to Bhutan, are asking for, and even growing organic food.
Indeed, growing our own food is becoming an absolutely essential part of our collective future.
In the same way that petrochemical companies don’t want to see the impending evolution of solar and wind power, Big Ag doesn’t want to accept what is happening with our food consciousness. We know better now, and so we ask for better. Our wallets are truly determining the future food landscape.
Top anti-GMO scientists band together in film exposing threats and secrecy
"Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists, and their careers lie in ruins. Both chose to investigate the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both are now suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves suggest that 95% of those researching in the area of genetic engineering are funded by industry. Only 5% are independent. This situation presents a major threat to the freedom of science – and to our democracy. Can we, the public, still trust our scientists?"
For more information about the film, please visit:
"Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists, and their careers lie in ruins. Both chose to investigate the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both are now suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves suggest that 95% of those researching in the area of genetic engineering are funded by industry. Only 5% are independent. This situation presents a major threat to the freedom of science – and to our democracy. Can we, the public, still trust our scientists?"
For more information about the film, please visit:
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Are Too Many Vaccines Destroying Kids' Immune Systems?
Newsmax Health
Today's children should look like pincushions from the dozens of vaccines they get from birth to the age of 18. "According to the Centers for Disease Control, the onslaught begins within 12 hours of birth when many babies get a Hepatitis B vaccine," says holistic doctor Dr. David Brownstein. "At two months, eight more vaccines follow, including polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, and throughout the next few months, they are subjected to boosters of the vaccines they've already have plus additional vaccines.
"The CDC recommends that children get 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they reach the age of 6, and the total reaches 69 doses by the age of 18," Dr. Brownstein tells Newsmax Health. In fact, today's average child is subjected to three times as many vaccinations as were recommended in 1953. In addition, children's small bodies are subjected to numerous vaccinations simultaneously.
In 1983, the CDC guidelines stated that doctors shouldn't give more than four vaccines at the same time. By 2013, CDC guidelines changed to approve giving children up to eight vaccines at once.
What's the result? According to the National Vaccine Information Center, chronic disease and disability in children has drastically increased in the past 50 years. For instance, in the 1990s, one child in 555 had autism, but by 2013, the figure had risen to one child in 50.
What good do vaccines accomplish? It's a mixed bag, says Dr. Brownstein. "The powers that be claim that vaccines markedly lowered the death rate of common childhood illnesses such as measles and whooping cough. However, the mortality rates of these illnesses were rapidly falling before the mass vaccination campaign began.
"I am not saying that all vaccines don’t work," he says. "I know some of them do. "For instance, the chicken pox vaccine has clearly lowered the incidence of chicken pox," Dr. Brownstein says. "However, is that a good thing? I am not sure it's so good, since shingles cases have skyrocketed since the mass vaccination of chicken pox was started. And it was known from the start of the chickenpox vaccine that chickenpox vaccinations resulted in an increased rate of shingles.
"In addition, vaccinations may not be good for a child's immune system, because perhaps it needs to be stimulated with these childhood infections to become strong.
"Last month, I was recognized by a reader in an airport. She asked me a question: 'Why are so many kids having all these allergies? We never saw peanut, milk and gluten allergies when we were kids — where is it all coming from?'
"I answered her question by stating, 'I believe that there are multiple reasons for this, but the main reason is that the younger generation’s immune system is becoming weaker and weaker.'
"I feel that today’s children, when compared to previous generations, suffer from more chronic illnesses because they are exposed to more toxins, and they are receiving too many vaccines at too young of an age. The vaccines contain toxic elements such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. It is ludicrous to inject these toxic agents into our youth and expect good outcomes.
"In addition, human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. One prominent former scientist at a pharmaceutical firm, Dr. Helen Ratajczak, feels that the increased spike in autism may be related to the introduction of human DNA into the MMR and chicken pox vaccines. She goes on to state that the foreign DNA from vaccines can be incorporated into the host DNA which causes the immune system to fight against the foreign cells.
"This could start an inflammatory process that never ends, and leads to chronic illnesses like autoimmune disease and allergies. Maybe this is why we are seeing so many children with severe, life-threatening allergies to common foods like peanuts," he says.
"Both of my older sisters had measles," says Dr. Brownstein. "Back then, it was a benign illness that everybody got, just like chicken pox. That generation did just fine with measles. They did not suffer the plethora of autoimmune, allergic and chronic illness that the younger generations suffer from.
"Perhaps we need to do research comparing vaccinated with non-vaccinated populations. Unbelievably, this work still has not been done. There has not been a single randomized, controlled study of a vaccinated versus a non-vaccinated population. Yet, we subject the most vulnerable of us, our children and the future of our country, to dozens of vaccines whose worth is often questionable," says Dr. Brownstein. "This is insane.
"I am not against all vaccines," he says. "However, just proclaiming that vaccination is safe does not make it so. There are inherent dangers of vaccinating as there are dangers of not vaccinating. Parents need to educate themselves about vaccines so that they can make appropriate decisions on whether to vaccinate."
Today's children should look like pincushions from the dozens of vaccines they get from birth to the age of 18. "According to the Centers for Disease Control, the onslaught begins within 12 hours of birth when many babies get a Hepatitis B vaccine," says holistic doctor Dr. David Brownstein. "At two months, eight more vaccines follow, including polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, and throughout the next few months, they are subjected to boosters of the vaccines they've already have plus additional vaccines.
"The CDC recommends that children get 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they reach the age of 6, and the total reaches 69 doses by the age of 18," Dr. Brownstein tells Newsmax Health. In fact, today's average child is subjected to three times as many vaccinations as were recommended in 1953. In addition, children's small bodies are subjected to numerous vaccinations simultaneously.
In 1983, the CDC guidelines stated that doctors shouldn't give more than four vaccines at the same time. By 2013, CDC guidelines changed to approve giving children up to eight vaccines at once.
What's the result? According to the National Vaccine Information Center, chronic disease and disability in children has drastically increased in the past 50 years. For instance, in the 1990s, one child in 555 had autism, but by 2013, the figure had risen to one child in 50.
What good do vaccines accomplish? It's a mixed bag, says Dr. Brownstein. "The powers that be claim that vaccines markedly lowered the death rate of common childhood illnesses such as measles and whooping cough. However, the mortality rates of these illnesses were rapidly falling before the mass vaccination campaign began.
"I am not saying that all vaccines don’t work," he says. "I know some of them do. "For instance, the chicken pox vaccine has clearly lowered the incidence of chicken pox," Dr. Brownstein says. "However, is that a good thing? I am not sure it's so good, since shingles cases have skyrocketed since the mass vaccination of chicken pox was started. And it was known from the start of the chickenpox vaccine that chickenpox vaccinations resulted in an increased rate of shingles.
"In addition, vaccinations may not be good for a child's immune system, because perhaps it needs to be stimulated with these childhood infections to become strong.
"Last month, I was recognized by a reader in an airport. She asked me a question: 'Why are so many kids having all these allergies? We never saw peanut, milk and gluten allergies when we were kids — where is it all coming from?'
"I answered her question by stating, 'I believe that there are multiple reasons for this, but the main reason is that the younger generation’s immune system is becoming weaker and weaker.'
"I feel that today’s children, when compared to previous generations, suffer from more chronic illnesses because they are exposed to more toxins, and they are receiving too many vaccines at too young of an age. The vaccines contain toxic elements such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. It is ludicrous to inject these toxic agents into our youth and expect good outcomes.
"In addition, human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. One prominent former scientist at a pharmaceutical firm, Dr. Helen Ratajczak, feels that the increased spike in autism may be related to the introduction of human DNA into the MMR and chicken pox vaccines. She goes on to state that the foreign DNA from vaccines can be incorporated into the host DNA which causes the immune system to fight against the foreign cells.
"This could start an inflammatory process that never ends, and leads to chronic illnesses like autoimmune disease and allergies. Maybe this is why we are seeing so many children with severe, life-threatening allergies to common foods like peanuts," he says.
"Both of my older sisters had measles," says Dr. Brownstein. "Back then, it was a benign illness that everybody got, just like chicken pox. That generation did just fine with measles. They did not suffer the plethora of autoimmune, allergic and chronic illness that the younger generations suffer from.
"Perhaps we need to do research comparing vaccinated with non-vaccinated populations. Unbelievably, this work still has not been done. There has not been a single randomized, controlled study of a vaccinated versus a non-vaccinated population. Yet, we subject the most vulnerable of us, our children and the future of our country, to dozens of vaccines whose worth is often questionable," says Dr. Brownstein. "This is insane.
"I am not against all vaccines," he says. "However, just proclaiming that vaccination is safe does not make it so. There are inherent dangers of vaccinating as there are dangers of not vaccinating. Parents need to educate themselves about vaccines so that they can make appropriate decisions on whether to vaccinate."
Glyphosate Proven To Be Making Milk Toxic
Natural Society
Need another reason to ditch Round Up chemicals, including its main ingredient, glyphosate? If you’ve got milk, then more than likely you’ve got a cow with a disturbed metabolism caused by Monsanto’s best-selling chemical brew.
In a study published in the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, Dr. Kruger and researchers found that dairy cattle are affected adversely by glyphosate. Specifically:
If glyphosate being linked to cancer isn’t a profound enough reason to stop eating GMOs, then what about possibly having your own metabolism disturbed? We are what we eat, as the saying goes, so if a dairy cow can’t process glyphosate properly, then you can bet we likely don’t either.
We already know for certain that glyphosate-based herbicides are endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. One study found disruption in the metabolism of cells at as little as .05 parts per million:
Why should this matter to you? Your endocrine system is a system of glands that secrete important hormones in our body – without which NOTHING else can function properly. I won’t even go into the function of the endocrine glands like the thymus and pineal gland, which are important for developing a less restricted consciousness. But glyphosate assaults your body in many ways you can likely only begin to imagine.
There’s no mistake you are being infected with glyphosate toxins either. Glyphosate has been found in mother’s breast milk and in our blood. Now that it is measured in detail in dairy cow urine and the toxic effects are detailed – will Monsanto still act as if they are creating a benign substance? Certainly.
In the meantime, here are steps to take avoid exposure to this harmful herbicide:
Need another reason to ditch Round Up chemicals, including its main ingredient, glyphosate? If you’ve got milk, then more than likely you’ve got a cow with a disturbed metabolism caused by Monsanto’s best-selling chemical brew.
In a study published in the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, Dr. Kruger and researchers found that dairy cattle are affected adversely by glyphosate. Specifically:
“All cows investigated at the eight Danish dairy farms excreted glyphosate in their urine at significant different amounts between the farms. We found increased blood serum levels of parameters indicative for cytotoxicity like GLDH, GOT, and CK and the lipid profile marker cholesterol in cows at all farms and high urea levels in half of the farm animals. Correlations between glyphosate and some of the measured blood serum parameters to CK (R= 0.135), Se (R=-0.188), Co (R= -0,403) and Zn (R=0,175) demonstrate that glyphosate is toxic to the normal metabolism of dairy cows. This study gives the first documentation to which extent Danish dairy cattle are exposed to glyphosate and its impact on different blood parameters.”
If glyphosate being linked to cancer isn’t a profound enough reason to stop eating GMOs, then what about possibly having your own metabolism disturbed? We are what we eat, as the saying goes, so if a dairy cow can’t process glyphosate properly, then you can bet we likely don’t either.
We already know for certain that glyphosate-based herbicides are endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. One study found disruption in the metabolism of cells at as little as .05 parts per million:
“. . . human cell endocrine disruption from 0.5 ppm on the androgen receptor in MDA-MB453-kb2 cells for the most active formulation (R400), then from 2 ppm the transcriptional activities on both estrogen receptors were also inhibited on HepG2. Aromatase transcription and activity were disrupted from 10 ppm. Cytotoxic effects started at 10 ppm with Alamar Blue assay (the most sensitive), and DNA damages at 5 ppm.”
Why should this matter to you? Your endocrine system is a system of glands that secrete important hormones in our body – without which NOTHING else can function properly. I won’t even go into the function of the endocrine glands like the thymus and pineal gland, which are important for developing a less restricted consciousness. But glyphosate assaults your body in many ways you can likely only begin to imagine.
There’s no mistake you are being infected with glyphosate toxins either. Glyphosate has been found in mother’s breast milk and in our blood. Now that it is measured in detail in dairy cow urine and the toxic effects are detailed – will Monsanto still act as if they are creating a benign substance? Certainly.
In the meantime, here are steps to take avoid exposure to this harmful herbicide:
- Avoid using Roundup and other similar products
- Avoid consumption of GMO foods. They are copiously contaminated with glyphosate.
- Eat organic foods as much as possible
- Since glyphosate decreases our body’s ability to detox on its own, be sure to detox on a daily and weekly basis using nutrients as well as other modalities such as sitz baths, Bentonite clay, and more.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Nearly 80% of supplements found to contain NONE of herbal supplement claimed on label.
Refreshing News
A warning to herbal supplement users: Those store-brand ginkgo biloba tablets you bought may contain mustard, wheat, radish and other substances decidedly non-herbal in nature, but they’re not likely to contain any actual ginkgo biloba.
That’s according to an investigation by the New York State attorney general’s office into store-brand supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Wal-Mart. All four have received cease-and-desist letters demanding that they stop selling a number of their dietary supplements, few of which were found to contain the herbs shown on their labels and many of which included potential allergens not identified in the ingredients list.
“Contamination, substitution and falsely labeling herbal products constitute deceptive business practices and, more importantly, present considerable health risks for consumers,” said the letters, first reported today by the New York Times.
The tests were conducted using a process called DNA barcoding, which identifies individual ingredients through a kind of “genetic fingerprinting.” The investigators tested 24 products claiming to be seven different types of herb — echinacea, garlic, gingko biloba, ginseng, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort and valerian root. All but five of the products contained DNA that was either unrecognizable or from a plant other than what the product claimed to be.
Additionally, five of the 24 contained wheat and two contained beans without identifying them on the labels — both substances are known to cause allergic reactions.
Of the four retailers, Wal-Mart was the worst offender: None of its six supplements that were tested was found to contain purely the ingredient they advertised. Target’s supplements were the least misleading of the lot — though that isn’t saying much, since tests on six of the brand’s products resulted in only one unqualified positive. Two of Target’s other supplements contained DNA from other plants alongside their purported ingredients, while the remaining three tested negative.
Harvard Medical School assistant professor Pieter Cohen, who is an expert on supplement safety, told the New York Times that the test results were so extreme he found them hard to accept. He suggested that the manufacturing process may have destroyed some of the ingredients’ DNA, rendering the DNA barcode test ineffective.
On the other hand, he said, “if this data is accurate, then it is an unbelievably devastating indictment of the industry.”
This investigation is just the latest in a series of blows against the dietary supplement industry. Supplements are not considered food or drugs, so they have long been only loosely regulated. Federal guidelines require companies to ensure that their products are safe and accurately labeled, but the FDA has little power to enforce that rule.
A 2012 paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association warned that this lack of regulation of the supplement industry could lead to “adverse events.” In the past five years, tainted supplements have been associated with kidney failure, hepatitis and other problems.
Also in 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services released a report saying that supplements’ claims about their structure and function often lack scientific support. HHS recommended that the FDA seek “explicit statutory authority to review substantiation for structure/function claims” — essentially, it should subject the health claims made by supplement manufacturers to the same kind of scrutiny that drugs must undergo.
The New York attorney general’s letters also cited a 2013 Canadian study of 44 common supplements, in which one-third of herbal supplements that were tested contained no trace of the plant advertised on the bottle.
A warning to herbal supplement users: Those store-brand ginkgo biloba tablets you bought may contain mustard, wheat, radish and other substances decidedly non-herbal in nature, but they’re not likely to contain any actual ginkgo biloba.
That’s according to an investigation by the New York State attorney general’s office into store-brand supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Wal-Mart. All four have received cease-and-desist letters demanding that they stop selling a number of their dietary supplements, few of which were found to contain the herbs shown on their labels and many of which included potential allergens not identified in the ingredients list.
“Contamination, substitution and falsely labeling herbal products constitute deceptive business practices and, more importantly, present considerable health risks for consumers,” said the letters, first reported today by the New York Times.
The tests were conducted using a process called DNA barcoding, which identifies individual ingredients through a kind of “genetic fingerprinting.” The investigators tested 24 products claiming to be seven different types of herb — echinacea, garlic, gingko biloba, ginseng, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort and valerian root. All but five of the products contained DNA that was either unrecognizable or from a plant other than what the product claimed to be.
Additionally, five of the 24 contained wheat and two contained beans without identifying them on the labels — both substances are known to cause allergic reactions.
Of the four retailers, Wal-Mart was the worst offender: None of its six supplements that were tested was found to contain purely the ingredient they advertised. Target’s supplements were the least misleading of the lot — though that isn’t saying much, since tests on six of the brand’s products resulted in only one unqualified positive. Two of Target’s other supplements contained DNA from other plants alongside their purported ingredients, while the remaining three tested negative.
Harvard Medical School assistant professor Pieter Cohen, who is an expert on supplement safety, told the New York Times that the test results were so extreme he found them hard to accept. He suggested that the manufacturing process may have destroyed some of the ingredients’ DNA, rendering the DNA barcode test ineffective.
On the other hand, he said, “if this data is accurate, then it is an unbelievably devastating indictment of the industry.”
This investigation is just the latest in a series of blows against the dietary supplement industry. Supplements are not considered food or drugs, so they have long been only loosely regulated. Federal guidelines require companies to ensure that their products are safe and accurately labeled, but the FDA has little power to enforce that rule.
A 2012 paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association warned that this lack of regulation of the supplement industry could lead to “adverse events.” In the past five years, tainted supplements have been associated with kidney failure, hepatitis and other problems.
Also in 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services released a report saying that supplements’ claims about their structure and function often lack scientific support. HHS recommended that the FDA seek “explicit statutory authority to review substantiation for structure/function claims” — essentially, it should subject the health claims made by supplement manufacturers to the same kind of scrutiny that drugs must undergo.
The New York attorney general’s letters also cited a 2013 Canadian study of 44 common supplements, in which one-third of herbal supplements that were tested contained no trace of the plant advertised on the bottle.
Here are 8 invented diseases Big Pharma is banking on

Since direct-to-consumer drug advertising debuted in 1997, pharma’s credo has been When The Medication Is Ready, The Disease (and Patients) Will Appear. Who knew so many people suffered from restless legs? Now pharma is back to creating new diseases, patients, risks and “awareness campaigns.” Check out these eight new diseases they’ve invented.
1. SERM deficiency
A pill to prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis packs the “magic three” of drug sales– fear, forever and faith–since you never know if it’s working or you need it but fear stopping. But 15 years after women began swallowing bisphosphonates like Boniva and Fosamax because pharma-planted bone density machines in medical offices revealed they had “osteopenia,”* bisphosphonates are linked to jaw bone death, esophageal cancer and causing the fractures they were supposed to prevent. Sorry about that. Now pharma is hawking Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) like Evista and Tamoxifen to prevent osteoporosis and even some cancers. Unfortunately they can cause others…
2. Statin Deficiency
If it seems like the whole world is on statins, it’s not your imagination. Last year the FDA approved AstraZeneca’s Crestor for children as young as 10 and in March it approved Crestor for 6.5 million people who have no cholesterol or heart problems at all! (See: fear, forever and faith.) Many say, since lead investigator of the Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention study Paul Ridker of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston is co-patent holder/inventor of the C-reactive protein (CRP) test which “proves” Crestor’s effectiveness, there’s a conflict of interest. Others say, since CRP isn’t necessarily even a marker for heart disease and statins can cause Type 2 diabetes, it’s bad science along with a conflict of interest.)
3. Circadian Dysrhythmia
Insomnia is a gold mine for pharma because everyone sleeps — or watches TV when they can’t. But Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and Rozerem have reached market saturation, so pharma is rolling out subcategories like nocturnal, middle-of-the-night (MOTN) and terminal insomnia and sleep eating, sleep walking and sleep sweating (yes sweating) to boost the franchise. Meanwhile another demo is swelling Circadian Dysrhythmia numbers: Thanks to restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorder, people who skimp on sleep and of course insomnia meds themselves, there’s an epidemic of excessive sleepiness! Enter Provigil –”a mood-brightening and memory-enhancing psychostimulant which enhances wakefulness and vigilance,” — Adderall and Vyvanse, known in the days of Lenny Bruce — also an “excessive sleepiness” sufferer — as speed.
4. Adult Autism, ADHD and Refusal to Play Nicey
Having marketed adult diseases like depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in 4-year-olds to death, pharma is now finding childhood diseases in adults. Adults with ADHD have hyperactivity, impulsivity, “executive function deficits” and “difficulty with organization and time management,” says Harvard Medical School’s Joseph Biederman, in a 2004 JAMA. The disease, found in most people’s brother-in-laws, requires “lifelong” medication says Biederman, who was accused of pushing Risperdal and hiding pharma income by Congress in 2008. Adults may suffer from autism too says a 2008 article in Psychiatric News, if they’re “unsociable, extremely rigid, given to angry outbursts” and “acutely sensitive to light, heat, and pain.” Luckily, in two studies “SSRI antidepressants led to a decrease in repetitive behaviors and to somewhat more socializing,” in adults with autism says Psychiatric News.
5. Asthma That Requires “Two Drugs”
Leave it to pharma to develop an asthma drug–the long-acting beta2-agonists (LABAs)– that triples the rate of asthma deaths, especially in African-Americans. And leave it to the FDA to approve LABA’s on the basis of a trial, the 2003 SMART trial (Salmeterol Multicenter Asthma Research Trial), that was stopped early because of so many deaths. In March, after more deaths, especially in children, a sheepish FDA recast LABAs as a last resort medication with or without use of a concomitant inhaled steroid. But AstraZeneca doesn’t want to stop selling its LABA with a steroid, Symbicort — and GSK its LABA with a steroid, Advair — just because they’re correlated with death. So the LABA drugs are being billed as safe and able to treat “both” causes of asthma (see: Vytorin) and projected to earn billions this year.
6. “Treatment Resistant” Conditions
If an engine additive or laundry product didn’t work, who would chase it with another product–or two– because the manufacturer told them to? Who would pay $300 to $900 a month out of their pocket for antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and mood brighteners some of which don’t work? (see: fear, forever, faith.) Increasingly, pharma is approving drugs as add on or “adjunctive therapy” like AstraZeneca’s antipsychotic Seroquel, approved last year “for patients who had failed to respond adequately to an antidepressant alone.” Also last year, the FDA approved Eli Lilly’s Symbyax, a combination of the SSRI antidepressant Prozac and controversial antipsychotic Zyprexa — do patients gain 100 pounds but feel great? — for “treatment resistant depression.” Why are diseases “treatment resistant” instead of the drugs “ineffective” or diagnoses “wrong”?
7. Low T
Men are you feeling run down and over the hill? Is your hair falling out, skin wrinkling and abdomen developing its own zip code? Have you lost interest in sex or worse, has your partner? (With you?) Do you need reading glasses, dental implants and heel splints? You’re not getting old, you just have Low T and are ready for the aging-is-really-just-low-hormones con that women have lived with for 60 years: hormone replacement therapy. Like 50 million women before you, you can be Forever Masculine even though, to (quote hormone giant Wyeth) you have outlived your testes if you start replacing your lost testosterone. You’ll get both kinds of zips back in your life, and it won’t change your prostate-specific antigens. Pharma promises.
8. “Spectrum” Disorders
Nothing proves pharma’s when-the-medication-is-ready credo better than the legions of people who have fibromyaglia now that Cymbalta, Savella and Lyrica are available to treat it. Still, a “grassroots” pharma front group is conducting a Fibromyalgia Is Real awareness campaign like it did for depression and bipolar disorder, just to make sure. Pharma has also rolled out the term “depression spectrum disorder” for fibromyalgia to make sure patients who have some but not all of the symptoms seek treatment. And speaking of spectrums, “Epilepsy Spectrum Disorder” was rolled out in January’s JAMA — a disorder which is not just about seizures anymore but has “shared mechanisms” with “depression, autism.., and other cognitive comorbidities.” Spectrum disorders are Real–which is pharma for Reimbursable.
* a pharma contrivance like “perimenopause” to widen the patient pool
Gov’t & Media Using Measles To Shame Parents, Mandate Vaccinations

More fear mongering and lies to report on and expose. To hear the mainstream mockingbird media tell it, measles is the return of the black plague. Run to your nearest Doctor’s office and get an injection of delicious, effective vaccine. You’re a nut if you don’t. It’s true, I heard it on The Today Show this morning.
All because 100 people have contracted the measles so far, nationwide. One hundred. It’s practically an epidemic. The CDC is sounding the alarm calling it “a nationwide outbreak”.
So of course Hillary Clinton is jumping on the bandwagon too. On Monday she tweeted The science is clear. The earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. Let’s protect all our kids.
The problem is, Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media are LIARS. Neither Hillary Clinton, nor The Today Show, nor the CDC, nor Chris Christie who says parents should have “some measure of choice” about vaccines will tell you the truth.
That’s our job. And the truth is that recently the CDC was busted COVERING UP the hardcore DATA about the MMR vaccine causing autism. And for those who are unaware, the MMR vaccine stands for MEASLES, MUMPS & Rubella.
Educate yourself. READ this information yourself. Hillary Clinton and her globalist cohorts would prefer that you didn’t. Whistleblower Says CDC Knew in 2003 of Higher Autism Rate Among African-American Boys Receiving MMR Shot Earlier Than 36 Months.
As our friends at Natural News, Natural Society, Whiteout Press, Intellihub, Truthstream Media, and all over the real news media have warned, the coverup has been exposed, vaccines can be very dangerous: Courts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism.
So the next time the mockingbird mainstream media parrots talking points from the CDC just remember this, they don’t want you to know the truth. In fact they are actively covering it up: CDC whistleblower exposes massive autism cover-up perpetrated by government agency.
More Research:
10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don’t want you to know
Most Vaccines Contain Cancer-Causing Ingredients, But What More…?
Alternative media journalist Melissa Melton tells it like it is: Sheep with an Irrational Fear of Measles Vs. Everyone Else’s Freedom and Right Not to Vaccinate
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