End All Disease
As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.”
– Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President of The American Chemical Society
For those living in the early 1900’s, the chances of getting cancer was 1 out of every 100 people, about fifty years ago the chances increased to 1 in 50. Today, it is said that a little less than 1 out of every 3 people will get cancer, soon to be 1 in 2.
If you get cancer, where will you turn for treatment?
Your options are Chemotherapy, which is
refused by 75% of doctors, works
only 2-3% of the time, and has been shown in a study to cause more cancer, or, you can utilize natural substances found in nature that science has shown are powerful Cancer Cures, with virtually no side effects.
Despite the horrid report card for chemotherapy treatment, people to this day continue to receive treatment, as doctors profit from each patient to whom they deal these toxic drugs.
Consider this article the final, crushing blow to chemotherapy and the cancer industry.
Science Shows the Untreated Live Longer
After studying the life span of cancer patients for 25 years, Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, Dr. Hardin B. Jones delivered a report, sending shockwaves through an American Cancer Society Seminar in 1969.
Dr. Jones’ 25-year study concluded that patients who are not treated with chemotherapy and other conventional treatments (surgery, and radiation) do not die sooner than patients who do. In many cases, he reported, they live longer.
His timeless paper he titled “
Demographic Consideration of the Cancer Problem,” and published in Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (Series II, Vol. 18, pp. 298-333).
Particularly disturbing was the doctor’s discovery about the breast cancer survival rates of women who had refused all conventional treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery). His findings indicated that women with breast cancer who remained untreated lived four times longer than women who were treated with them.
“People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years,” stated Dr. Hardin B. Jones.
Other researchers have conducted similar studies which came to similar conclusions. “Those who refused medical procedures had a lower mortality rate than those who submitted” concluded Dr. Maurice Fox, Biologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, based on a study completed at the Harvard School of Public Health.
In the February 2, 1979 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, it published an article by Dr. Maurice Fox, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Based on studies conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Fox found many things, including:
- Complete mastectomy was no better than simple lump removal.
- The diagnosis of breast cancer was twice as frequent in 1975 than in 1935, and the death rate was also double, meaning no progress had been made in the attempt to cure cancer.
- A lower mortality rate was found in patients who refused medical procedures than those who submitted to conventional treatments.
- Early detection amounted to quicker treatment and earlier death.
A team of researchers from Israel, led by Dr. Michael Feldman conducted a study at the Weizmann Institute in 1978.
An article titled “
Failure of Chemotherapy to Prolong Survival in a Group of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer,” was published in British medical journal The Lancet on March 15, 1980. Read what it says:
“Overall survival of patients with primary breast cancer has not improved in the past 10 years, despite increasing use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for treatment of metastasis. Furthermore, there has been no improvement in survival from first metastasis, and survival may even have been shortened in some patients given chemotherapy…. Actuarial survival analysis … reveals no prolongation in overall survival, despite the increased use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for metastatic disease. The survival of the 78 patients who received chemotherapy from first detection of metastases (including single-agent chemotherapy) was no better than that of the 80 who did not receive chemotherapy. There was also no improvement in survival for those who received multiple-drug chemotherapy (66 patients)…. The fact that regressions of breast cancer had no influence on overall survival must reflect the inadequacy of present-day chemotherapy.”
How Lethal is Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is so lethal, that if the liquid is spilled, it can burn right through human flesh. As if being diagnosed with cancer wasn’t bad enough, just take a look at what it did to this patients hand:

The burning and scarring that you see in the image to the left is the result of chemotherapy fluid spilling onto a bare hand.
This picture, worth far more than a thousand words, illustrates clearly just how toxic chemotherapy chemicals are. Considering the outer skin of a person is actually better protected than our insides, just think what happens when this fluid is injected into the vein of a cancer patient.
So toxic are the chemicals used in Chemotherapy, that nurses administering it have to wear personal protective equipment, and follow strict security measures in case of any accidental spills of chemotherapy.
Spills larger than 5 cc. require:
- Phone calls to 911, and to the Occupational & Environmental Safety Office – OESO.
- Access to the affected area must be blocked off, and the area must be marked with warning signs
- Donning the protective coveralls and two pairs of gloves (a latex pair for underneath the coveralls, and a rubber pair for on top) from the “Chemotherapy spill kit”.
- Picking up broken glass using the scoop in the “Chemotherapy spill kit”.
- Cleaning up liquids using spill pads.
- Washing the spill area 3 times: Once with hydrogen peroxide, and two more times with a strong detergent.
- If the chemotherapy drug comes in contact with the skin, eye, or airborne particles inhaled at any time during the procedure, they are instructed to go immediately to the emergency room.
The moment you’re diagnosed with cancer, you become worth about $300,000 to the cancer industry. That is, unless you refuse the barbaric conventional treatments that your doctor might offer you, and treat yourself safely, effectively, and inexpensively with one or more natural Cancer Cures. You’ve seen the evidence, now you can decide for yourself whether you want to expose yourself to brutal poisons, or use substances provided by nature that will heal you without side effects.