The following is a list of U.S Senators and the Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that these Senators received from Special Interest Groups to either support or oppose S.510 - The FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act. I have listed the names of the Senators, the Party and State, and the amount of Special Interest Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that they received:
[some choice excerpts]
John McCain - R AZ - Bribe For: $118,070 - Against: $21,525
Mark Begich - D AK - Bribe For: $23,050 - Against: $2,000
Harry Reid - D NV - Bribe For: $133,985 - Against: $10,000
Pat Roberts - R KS - Bribe For: $167,294 - Against: $65,186
Arlen Specter - D PA - Bribe For: $209,124 - Against: $9,400
Ron Wyden - D OR - Bribe For: $58,700 - Against: $4,900
Full story
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