The American people have become willing cattle by refusing to stand up for their rights and allowing themselves to be bamboozled by the financial elite ~ who use fear and greed to humiliate them and lead them to financial slaughter.
No where is this more evident than the TSA Scan or Pat Down outrage where Former Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff ordered the full body x-ray scanners before the so-called "underwear bomber" scare. The House actually voted down the use of body scanners, but the TSA ignored the will of Congress and bought the machines anyway ~ wasting $25 million in stimulus funds.
TSA's (Janet Napolitano says) that the backscatter X-ray machines in the Airports are safe: The reality is that according to doctors at Columbia and Johns Hopkins "the radiation at airports is twenty times what you would get from an x-ray in your doctor's office."
Now Chertoff personally profits from selling them to the Department of Homeland Security he used to head.
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