Some of the foods that scientists are genetically manipulating - and dumping into grocery stores - make it impossible for plants to reproduce naturally. These plants have what are called terminator genes inserted into them and terminator genes are literally designed to end the reproductive ability of the plant. According to GMO manufacturers, these genes have no other purpose but to protect the profits of the manufacturers by discouraging seed saving.
But what happens if these terminator genes permeate our own genetic make-up - the same way the genes of GMO soy incorporate themselves into the genes of our healthy bacteria? There's been little to no testing of this, but perhaps it's one of the reasons that animals consuming genetically manipulated foods often become sterile and have reproductive problems. Perhaps it's one of the reasons that human infertility rates have been sky-rocketing too.
Despite the extraordinary risks and deplorable consequences, the FDA stands firm that no testing is required for these new, genetically different foods that scientists are making up in laboratories. The agency is also staunchly against labeling these new genetic creations so that informed people who actually want to have children can easily avoid them.
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