Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lawsuit Against Meter Sickness - Are You In?

This is an announcement of legal actions against harm from wireless radiation from household and commercial digital electric meters.

More and more people are discovering that otherwise unexplained health problems can be correlated and attributed to electromagnetic exposures from wireless devices, especially the new generation of "Smart Grid" digital electric meters.

The recent and ongoing worldwide deployment of digital electric meters on homes has caused a major increase in symptoms, illnesses and injuries to health. The massive scale of these problems is just starting to be recognized.

Those industries, businesses and individuals who profit from wireless technologies, such as your power company, are suppressing information about the hazards of wireless technologies. They are attacking proponents of responsible wireless management and they are knowingly exposing the public to harm and damage hoping that the general public and the media will refuse to believe the obvious and proven connection between electromagnetic radiation and biological damage.

Because of the wireless industry's irresponsibility and wrongdoing, unfortunately, legal actions have become necessary. There are many illnesses and injuries caused by digital electric metering. Liz Barris, a lawsuit organizer, announces in this video how to recognize the symptoms of EMR exposure and how to contact competent legal assistance to join existing and upcoming legal actions to protect you and your family's health, safety, privacy, rights and property.

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