The FDA, the organization that conspired with California bureaucrats to attack raw milk distribution centers over the past two years, has just announced it will not ban BPA. The FDA says there isn't enough evidence of BPA being harmful to humans (that's a lie) and therefore it cannot be justifiably banned.
The real story here, however, is that the FDA routinely allows toxic and even deadly chemicals to remain legal in the food supply while working to ban dietary supplements and nutritional support products that are actually good for you. The FDA, for example, hasn't outlawed aspartame, MSG, sodium nitrite, partially-hydrogenated oils, high-fructose corn syrup or even petroleum-derived artificial colors. Instead, it focuses its regulatory power on outlawing Chinese Medicine herbs, nutritional supplements and natural sweeteners. For example, it was only recently that the herbal sweetener stevia was even tolerated by the FDA. For decades before that, the FDA would seize all imports of the herb and even order distributors to burn their recipe books containing stevia recipes.
Meanwhile, the FDA has never met an industry-sponsored toxic chemical it didn't like. Whether it's BPA, or sodium benzoate, or fluoride, if Big Pharma or the chemical industry is behind it, the FDA magically and consistently declares the chemical to be good for you!
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