Thursday, May 26, 2011

Should we drug the drinking water? Adding lithium to the taps 'could lower suicide rates'

Maybe we should ask ourselves why our government is desperate to dope us into submission? -Ed.

Daily Mail
, May 25, 2011

Lithium has been heralded by some experts as the next potential flouride, after scientists found suicide rates were lower in areas where the drinking water had higher concentrations of the element.

Researchers from the Medical University of Vienna compared the suicide rates in different regions of Austria with the natural lithium concentrations in the drinking water. The study, published in the British Journal of Pyschiatry, analysed a sample of 6,460 lithium measurements and then compared suicide rates across 99 districts.

Dr Jacob Appel, from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, said the latest studies provided 'compelling' evidence of the mood-stabilising benefits of lithium.

He said the U.S already supplemented the drinking water with flouride to prevent tooth decay and it would be relatively easy to add lithium, which is a naturally occurring element. He added: 'People who oppose adding lithium to the drinking water in trace amounts don't go around advocating to strain the lithium from the drinking water from areas where it does exist.

'Why not give everyone the same benefit?'

Full story
Related: Liquid Medicine, The Daily, May 25, 2011

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