Cancer is an opportunistic disease. It uses the opportunity that it recognizes in a toxically burdened, nutritionally and emotionally deficient body to overrun your normal defense system. More and more research supports the optimization of our Vitamin D levels as an extremely important step in the quest for a cancer free, long, healthy life. In fact, a recent study in The American Journal of Cardiology found that Vitamin D deficiency (serum levels below 30 ng/ml or 75 nmol/L) was a strong independent predictor of all causes of death.
More than 70% of the people in the study were below the status of 30 ng/ml required for “sufficiency”, but many clinicians believe that the number for sufficiency should be closer to 50 ng/ml, putting about 95% of the people in a state of deficiency.
From Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology: “Some nontraditional roles ascribed to vitamin D include anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects. These effects have led to possible implications in the pathophysiology of immune-mediated diseases including multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In addition, vitamin D insufficiency has been linked to higher rates of cancers including colon, prostate and breast cancers.”
Full story
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