Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This Is What We Are Facing

Posted by Natural Society

Your body is currently under direct assault. This is what we are facing, and it is up to you to make the difference.

The old health paradigm relies on cutting, burning, and drugging to 'treat' disease, while the new health paradigm looks to utilize the beneficial powers of natural healing substances and natural health as a whole.

Currently, the funding for the scientific advancement pertaining to the study of natural herbs like turmeric is nothing compared to the massive amount of financial backing that is packed into research for the latest pharmaceutical drug. Millions more are even pumped into GMOs, or genetically modified organisms on a global scale.

Even with limited funding and research, turmeric alone has been found to positively affect over 525 conditions, this includes cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. So why is the mainstream medical establishment ignoring these advancements and discoveries?

This is really what we are facing.

It is up to you to help aid in re-shaping the health 'crucible' which currently exists within the United States and elsewhere. It is only through peaceful action and the spread of information will serious change occur.

Related:  Drug deaths and medical accidents

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