This is all about why being prejudiced against drugs could stop you helping yourself or a friend or relative from beating cancer. We are not talking about chemotherapy and overkill. But off label ‘old’ drugs, no longer requiring kickbacks to their makers, and used for a different purpose than they were originally made for. This is groundbreaking. Please read on. Your life may depend on it.
Tragically, its likely that this information is too late for many of us, who have lost to cancer close relatives, and dear friends and acquaintances. Yes, this information was out there 20 years ago! Buried to all but the most persistent searchers. And out of sight because of the reluctance to shift course amongst cancer professionals, aided and abetted by drug companies. Their profits depend on new drugs, to keep us paying huge sums of money for them, when older and ‘out of patent’ drugs are out there doing a better job …..if only we knew about them.