Sunday, July 26, 2015

Is the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Regulatory Cartel Assassinating Physicians?

Memory Hole Blog
by James Tracy

Over the past several weeks no less than seven established doctors have either been killed or died under unusual circumstances (e.g. here and here). What do these physicians have in common and what remedies are they researching or advocating? Do any of their proposed treatments pose a threat to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical cartel? If so, would government agencies and/or private contractors be commissioned to harass and perhaps even assassinate such individuals?

The answer may lie in an understanding of nagalese, a protein made by cancer cells and viruses. Nagalese is a primary cause of immunodeficiency given its ability to block the body’s production of GcMAF, otherwise known as “Vitamin D binding microphage activating factor,” a naturally-produced immune regulating compound that aids in fighting what are traditionally considered terminal diseases. Some researchers suggest that nagalese is one of many toxic components found in the immunizations commonly administered to children, including the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine.

Read more here...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

FDA Approves GMO Apples And Potatoes

Modern Farmer

Amazing non-browning GMO apples and potatoes from two different companies have officially passed FDA inspection. They are as safe and nutritious as non-modified versions, says the agency. Will customers agree?

When people think of genetically modified foods (or GMOs, the O standing for organisms), a common thought is of beastly, unnatural items: basketball-sized fruits that won’t spoil, pigs with chicken hearts, who knows! Scary stuff! But typically the real reasons to go into the DNA are much more mundane. Take the six new types of GMO potatoes and two new types of GMO apples that the FDA approved for consumption [in mid-March of this year]: they look just like regular produce! Except they won’t brown after you cut them.

Anthony Gucciardi: Full Talk on GMOs, Monsanto & Fukushima


by BeautifulGirlByDana

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Western doctors now euthanize patients as a 'treatment' for depression and psychiatric conditions

Natural News

Claiming that she has wanted to die ever since childhood, a 24-year-old Belgian woman thinks that suicide is the only answer. This summer, she is getting help from her psychiatrist. The suicidal Belgian woman is about to receive, in her mind, the ultimate treatment for her psychological condition.

No, the psychiatrist isn't going to help the woman cope with the voices in her head and the traumatic experiences she may be dealing with.

No, the psychiatrist isn't going to help the woman conquer the conflict in her head to help her live a life of purpose.

Instead, the psychiatrist is encouraging Laura to end it all. The psychiatrist is giving Laura the option to end her life by euthanasia. This is how insane Western medicine and psychiatry has become. Doctors are now dishonorably viewing euthanasia as a "treatment" for depression and psychiatric conditions. People who feel they were born to take their own life are being accepted for who they are and allowed to commit suicide in a hospital setting.

Obama Admin Wants Medicare Doctors To Talk About Death With Patients


by Tami Luhby

The Obama administration wants to pay Medicare doctors who talk to their patients about death.

This highly controversial proposal to foster end-of-life planning discussions — which Sarah Palin and Republican lawmakers decried as creating “death panels” in 2009 — would pay doctors to have 30-minute meetings with patients and family members to discuss so-called advance directives. This includes specifying the patient’s wishes concerning medical care and life support measures and designating a health care proxy if the patient is unable to make decisions.