Cerebral Vascular Network |
The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living
Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden
8.) What has the response been to your discoveries? How have they been received by the public / the world at large?
The public gets it. The chiropractors embrace it. The medical Doctors, including pediatric neurologists, are stunned by it. The pharmaceutical and organized medicine cartels – must deny it. The philosophy is “if they cannot deny the message, then they will discredit the messenger.” This is simply how the system works.
The evidence is now self evident. All you have to do now is receive the education you need to appreciate and see what is before your very eyes – layperson and Doctor.
My imaging is called the 12-IMAM – 12 “Eye” M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures” based on the 12 cranial nerves. “MASS” stands for “Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes. Anoxia refers to impaired oxygen delivery to tissue.
9.) Are there other doctors, researchers and scientists who share your views and agree with you?
All of them – once they take the time to learn. It is 100% undeniable. There is NO way to refute what we can all see now. By example, gravity was with us since the dawn of creation. Sir Isaac Newton did not “discover” gravity – he simply put the conceptual framework forward as to why apples fall from tress.
I have simply put the conceptual framework science, measurement system, and explanations to “why are we getting sick” and “LOOK” all vaccines are causing the exact same neurological damages irrespective of what disease comes out, across the lifespan, This means that it is something the body does in response to immune stimulation that is causing disease and disorders – I now believe I know what this “something” is.
10.) In your opinion, what percentage of vaccines cause adverse effects?
It is in my considered opinion, all of them. I can now show the evidence to back this up. The damages have been clinically silent, but we are all being harmed along the same continuum from clinically silent to terminal disorders and diseases – across all organ systems. However, my ability to measure and prove my point, for the moment, is locked in on the brain functions and neurobehavioral and neuropsychiatric and neurological conditions primarily.
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